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Publishing the First Time

Writer's picture: SMSM

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

Wow… This blank sheet of paper has suddenly become much more daunting. Not that it's going to reach up and bite me, that would be weird. It’s a blog post... my first. How can this be? I just read there were 80 million distinct blogs out there. Everyone has a blog, certainly anyone who writes regularly, and it sometimes feels like I’ve read all of them. Ok, not actually all of them, but I’ve read a lot, and still follow quite a few. Done with the knowledge I was going to have my own at some point. I mean really, I don’t think you are allowed to be a writer without one. Who made that rule by the way? Hosting companies? People selling self-help for bloggers? I digress (I do that a lot). I was saying I’ve read a lot of them, looking for something to say, some topic that I could own. That topic, that special unmined ore, or unsqueezed fruit, that I could hammer my corner stakes around and over time, proudly declare, “It’s my island!”

Yeah, that island doesn’t exist. Not for me, and as far as I can tell, probably not for 79.95 million other bloggers out there. Doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the hell out of some of them, but I think the ground has been covered, and then some, by people who have forgotten more about writing, self-publishing, marketing, promotion and so on, than I will ever know. So, what do I believe I have a patent on?

Pain, frustration, confusion, and a hopeless, giddy, optimistic free fall vertigo as I get ready to hit upload for the first time. This is my island… mine, all mine. What is that you say? “This is common? Natural even?” I spit on the floor and shake my head, “No, you don’t get it, my confusion it's… well it's pretty much complete at times. It’s YUUGE! You, sir, clearly don’t understand what I’m trying to get across to you – I DON’T HAVE A FREAKING CLUE WHAT I’M DOING. Seriously, ask anyone.

This is a state of being that I can honestly claim, and I know I’m not alone. I’ve spoken to enough other schizoid, gluttons of self-punishment out there (ahem...writers) to confirm this. Consider this an invite to share your pain, and the methods you use to bring it out. Do you willfully ignore advice from those who have gone before? CHECK! Do you secretly fear your friends and family have been being nice all those years of saying you should try writing? CHECK! Do you carry a sneaking suspicion that store bought jerky is really not meat at all but some sort of government plot? OK, that one is just mine… probably.

At any rate, I’m going to share my angst, and you are welcome to share yours, as well as your successes. Also, any good jerky recipes or recommendations for single malt, peaty only – please, or Rye whiskey, my favorite comeback story of all time.

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Dec 02, 2022

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Just finished the Eden Chronicles, books 1-4 for the 2nd time. Enjoyed them as much as the 1st time. Also the same for The End of Summer series 1-3. Great stories all. My favorite is the Eden Chronicles. Great characters. By play the same as some I served with about 20 years worth. Waiting patiently for book #5. Merry Christmas.


James Nelson
James Nelson
Feb 23, 2022

I have read, and reread all of the Eden Chonicles, and am rereading the Seasons of Man. (just refinished the "End of Summer", and restarting "Reap" and I am awaiting continuing books from both series. I like the human touches, combined with the military detail ala Tom Clancy. I had dreams of taking an F86 or a F4 Phantom back to the days of World War II and being able to cause havoc out in the Pacific (which is where my Dad served in the Navy.) So your descripton of the overwhelming force of Eden being applied to an evil Civil War Era world meshes well my thoughts. Keep up the great writing, you have a fan.


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Nickie Bonar
Nickie Bonar
Sep 10, 2020

Just finished book 2 of the Eden Chronicles, and can't wait to start book 3. You have me hooked! I can see many similarities about what was happening on 1.0 and what is going on here sadly and wish we had an Eden to escape to! Maybe, as a veteran myself, I can understand what the Jema and Kyle are feeling deep down in my bones. Wanting to escape the BS and war, have a fresh start to make a go of something that is not heavily government mandated or regulated sounds like heaven to me! Keep writing this amazing series to give my brain a much needed reprieve from the sad lot we call life.


Jul 18, 2020

Just finished book1 of the Eden series. If only there was such a thing . . . Or is there? Good read and characters slammed through it in a weekend!


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